Okay so I went for my "regular" pedicure today. I got there and surprisingly for a Saturday it wasn't that busy and I got put in a chair as soon as I got there. I can't same the for my Mom who had to wait a bit to get a full set of nails. Well, I am soaking my feet and enjoying the massage chair and I take in the room. There is a person there across the room that looks familiar, but I get that a lot myself so I let it go. So the lady rolls up in that weird rolling stool like at the doctor's office and starts on my feet. First she asks where my friends are if I am not with any of them...which where were my friends? Not there, obviously. Well then she proceeds to ask me about an "older lady" from Azle that I came in with me last and about her not liking her color or something was messed up. Granted I am only getting maybe every third word. I am like, "oh uh okay
". I think at this point it is a confession and she is telling me that "Ih feex cohlor" I have no idea what she is talking about. (it was explained to me later by Lexi)

Then, she goes to get that cheese grater thing that they use on your feet and she squirts this clear goop on it. It bounces and goes in her eye! She spazzes and starts blotting her eye with her towel. She then proceeds, not once, not once, not twice, but three times to scoop my "feet water" and use it to wash out her eye!! I am trying not to look shocked and disgusted, but really? I am thinking...what the? Oh the horror!! (for those of you who don't know, I am not a feet person and I can't even really touch my own feet because I am ticklish and grossed out by feet in general) She says "luhky". I am thinking, me or you? It wasn't my fault! She also showed me what she "grated" off, like I need to see it?! She moves on with the pedicure but periodically points at her eye and looks at me! Then she keeps poking my feet to tell me what to do and says "cahn't seeh, ohnly ohne eyeh". I'm like, I'm sorry! It's not my fault. Well we finish the pedicure with no more incidents when I hear a bit of a commotion at the register. The girl I thought was familiar is disputing the cost, she is trying to account for $5 dollars. I hear the others working there saying "fhive minute, fhive dhollar, bhig diffrhence". I have no idea what that was about but she did this dispute for a while and even came back after leaving. I of course pretended to actually like the skatboarding competition on TV just to avoid eye contact with anyone. So, all in all pretty eventful and I did know that girl after all and they found out I did, but I won't reveal any names. Why does this happen to me? I guess it's almost like a law of nature to have something happen when I get pedicures. Oh and by the way I didn't giggle or laugh at all, I was too busy feeling shamed.