So, a lot has happened since I last blogged. First, my mom is okay, no tumor! Yea! Second, I have a niece named Sarah Gail 9lbs 5oz, born Sept. 1st. She is beautiful! I have a proud nephew Stephen that would agree whole heartedly.
Anyway, so it was a crazy week the week we were anticipating her arrival. I was over at my brother and sister in law's house the night before she was born. I was getting ready to leave their house and my sister in law was in the shower, so I peeked my head into the doorway of the bathroom to say goodbye. I had to yell over the shower:
Me: "Bye! I'll see you tomorrow!"
Michelle: "Uh huh, you're staying with me"
Me: "No I'm not"
Michelle: "Yes you are"
Me: "No I'm not"
This exchange happened at least 3 or 4 times.
Michelle: "Wait, is this Stephen or Jamye?"
Me: "Jamye"(laugh)
Michelle: (laughs) "Sorry, it's hard to hear in here, yeah see you tomorrow!"
So apparently I sound like a 4 year old boy, or my nephew sounds like a 27 year old girl. (Or it could be because I have been told that I sound like a little girl when I yell (Lexi)).
The morning Sarah was born and my brother came and got us to see her in the nursery we were walking down the hallway and Stephen said "She's free! She's free!"
We of course wanted to go and visit them at the hospital after she was born. Well, we went up there Wednesday night with the grandparents and great grandparents and we decided after our visit to go eat. Well Stephen was with us and was being particularly clingy to me and sitting closely to me in the booth. The waiter stops to check on us at one point:
Waiter: (to Stephen) "What's your name?"
Stephen: "Stephen."'
Waiter: "How old are you?"
Stephen: "Four...I got a baby sister, Sarah Gail born today"
Waiter: "Oh yeah? Born today?"
Me: "Yesterday."
Waiter:(looks at me) "Really? Just born? Yesterday?"
Me: "Yup."
Waiter: (incredulously) "Really? Wow."
Mom: (after waiter walks off) "I think he thought you were Stephen's mom."
Me: "Oh, well yeah you know, I pop out kids and then decide I'm hungry. I leave the new one at home and go out with the family."