1) I get a new cell phone!
2) I dunk the cell phone in water.
3) I get the cell phone replaced...twice!
4) I have a great birthday with friends and family and pay off my car.
5) A week later that car is stolen.
6) Fast forward 3 weeks, a check is issued by insurance company for the car not being found...yea new car!
7) Next day, car is found and has been trashed
8) Get new car!!

9) Less than 24 hours later after new car purchase, car gets backed into
I now live in paranoia that this car, even in it's dented state is going to be stolen. I was talking to my mom about it all and she said that I can't live like that. I asked her "is God trying to tell me something?" She said "maybe He's telling you to live more by faith and that my car shouldn't be where my treasure is." She's right, as usual, I hate that. So I decided to forget my paranoia and I actually took my car to the company Christmas party. It was at the Neon Moon Saloon over in the stockyards by Billy Bob's. I had never been there and had never even heard of it. I worked my tail off planning for it. It seemed to be a sucess with my motley crew of co-workers. There was pool tables, karaoke, and of course an open bar. It took a bit but we got people on stage to sing for tickets for door prizes. I even gave into peer pressure and sang a classic, "Alone" by Heart. I got cat calls, cell phones were raised and swayed, and I even got a couple "we're not worthy" bows. I thought I was free of the pressure but at the end I was requested to sing a Christmas song to send us off. I sang along to a very fast version it seemed of "O Holy Night". All in all, not terrible but I am sure glad it's over and I can stop stressin'.
I am sooo ready for a simple kinda life....