Sunday, February 15, 2009

G-R-E-E-N = L-O-V-E?

So, another Valentine's Day came and went but it was a good Valentine's and here's why:
1) I got not 1 but 2 bouquets of flowers!! Thank you Daddy and thank you Chris and Lexi)
2) I was finally validated in my "love" for green!
Green (according to M & M's) is the new color of love!!
3) My nephew Stephen decided to try his "chances" with Lexi, here is the exchange:

Stephen: "Can I hug you?" ;Lexi: (giggle) "Sure." (hug) "Aww Stephen, that's so sweet." ;Stephen: (steps back and fiddles with his fingers) "Can I kiss you a little?" ;(laughter from all ensues) ;Chris is watching this and says: "Whoa, watch it there." ;Lexi: (laughs) receives a cute kiss and a moment in history is made.

I don't know about you, but this is definite material for future embarrassment for Stephen, but for now it's just cuteness in the making!

Hope you all had a "love"-ly Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Okay so I saw the movie Taken this weekend...intense. So I started thinking that I am so not someone able to defend myself if I needed to. So I decided to come up with something that is more user friendly to those of us not so athletically inclined or just not very strong. I am calling it tentatively...CrazyPJunk. So simply it's this: So someone (bad man, maybe even woman) approaches and/or attacks start barking like a dog (maybe even snap at 'em), then if that doesn't work...pee yourself (nobody is going to want to touch you then...hopefully), if that doesn't work...start flailing about (kinda like the way Phoebe runs on Friends)...ideally about this time they think you're crazy and start backing away, so to seal the deal...drop to your knees and junk punch 'em. Boom.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My First Blog

My name is Jamye. Yes, Jamye with a "y". Thank you Mom. I used to think it was original but I have met people with that spelling but apparently it's still weird and hard to "wrap your mind around". Or so I am told. So here I am giving in to the peer pressure to enter the world of blogging. So, please be kind and don't expect too much.