So things were going good...until Thursday...good "The Office" wedding episode, but not so good drive home. I managed to dunk my fairly new cell phone into the cup of water that I set in the cup holder I would normally put my cell phone in. My phone is currently resting in a tupperware of uncooked rice, hopefully "healing" itself.

Saturday: "Couples Retreat" and witnessed a "real life" couple in the theater that needs to go on a couples retreat because they got into a fight and left during said movie. Sunday: I watched a pathetically played Cowboys game, save Miles Austin and a slight win with my family and that was good. I noticed my brakes were grinding and decided that I would need to take my car to get new brakes as soon as possible.
Monday: Went to work and got permission to take a half day to renew my license, get tires looked at, and take car to get brakes fixed. I renewed my license online, so I will manage to be older, yet still look younger. I decided to take care of my tires after the brakes and took my car to a place I have taken it to before to get new brakes. I was told they would not be able to get to it until tomorrow. Due to the fact that I would not be able to take it in the morning and I have left it there before I just left it there to be fixed first thing. BIG MISTAKE.
Tuesday: I was getting ready for work and around 7:30am I received a call from auto shop I took my car to...my car was stolen! Supposedly, their office was broken into and change from the cash drawer, my car keys, and my car were stolen. THAT IS ALL!! "They" did not take any computers, tools, the playstation, and no other cars! So, needless to say I did not go to work. I spent most of my day on the phone with the insurance company, filling out paperwork with the police, and looking up the blue book value of my car. I got a rental car at least to make it to work and I got my claims person on "getting to the bottom of this". This is just a long line of "life lessons" I have had that I can say..."yeah it really happened."
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