So I decided to copy a little (sorry Connie) and update about me. I am reading a lot of Christian fiction books that are all based in specific states. They are compilations of like 3 or 4 stories all based in a certain state or region for some. I really enjoy them. However, I am finding that most of them once I start reading them are literally falling apart!! I don't know if it's the glue or lack thereof, but it's ridiculous! I am the type that I have to finish the book too, so I am literally reading some of these in sections. Well, I decided to change things up and I started reading another Christian fiction book and I really like it. It's called 'Secrets" by Kristen Heitzmann and I can't put it down! I also found out it's a series! Yea! I am a book nerd!! Other than that I work of course and I have recently taken on a new challenge. I am teaching the college and career Sunday school class at church. I know, I know, me teach? Me who hates being in front of people? Well, I have taught 4 weeks now and I just picked out the next series. I really want to look around and maybe find something not so long, but this one will do until the seniors come from the youth group. It's called "Jaded" and don't even pretend that the Aerosmith song didn't just pop into your head, cause it does mine every time I look at it. I really think that this age group kind of gets lost in the shuffle and that they just stop coming. I know I felt that way. So, I hope I can maybe help change that...so pray for me (and maybe those are subjected to my amateur teaching). My nephew will be 4 on August 1st and I am planning on welcoming a niece to the world on September 1st!! Lots of changes there and time is flying by!! (Not for my sister in law though, she feels huge.)
For those of you wondering about my "love life" still don't really have one and I think I am okay with that for now...maybe. I can't count how many times recently I have gotten "you married yet?" "why not?" Seriously? Of course that only brings about my shining sarcasm of "nope" and "you tell me." I really think I just haven't found that person that I can put up with, yes I did say that. Too often I hear "that person that can put up with me" so I am changing it up. So, until that I will enjoy my pedicures with the girls and do what I please. :) Well I hope this blog will suffice until I have some more to tell. I have some funny happenings that I store up so I have more say then. Until then...have a good one!!

Glad to get an update. And I am glad that you are teaching that class if it is something you enjoy. You know I enjoy reading those "state" books as well and I just received some from Teresa when I was there this weekend. She gave me several books that she had doubles of, so I've got MORE for us to read :) Yay! I know you are excited ;)
ReplyDeleteOk you are cracking me up!! First I read your pedicure post - hilarious!! I was hoping it wasn't me disputing te $5 hee hee!! Anyway, you need to read Daisy Chain by Mary DeMuth!! It is wonderful. She has some awesome blogs too. There are two others in this series coming out soon. You won't regret it.
ReplyDeleteRachele Posey - aka Chel Abiding Branch (FBC Saginaw)