Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eye Don't Think So!!

Okay, so I went to the eye doctor today for my year check-up since I had LASIK last year. So, he is telling me good things like 20/15 and telling me what my vision was before LASIK...then BOOM he drops his bomb. He starts talking about "slight" nearsightedness! What?! Exactly how far am I supposed to be seeing?! I mean considering I don't have to put on contacts or glasses just to put on make-up or something as trivial as using the bathroom, I think that's pretty good! I would literally have to almost climb into the pack and play with my nephew just to check on him when he was sleeping! I could see his face when he told me this, unlike before LASIK without glasses or contacts he would have been a blur and I would have been scrunching my face in a so attractive way just to make it out! I enjoy opening my eyes and being able to see in the morning! Rain on my parade? No sir! He wrote me a prescription as an option...uh that's why I got LASIK, don't want to wear glasses! I had 18 years of glasses and/or contacts! That was a long time for me, I still think I am forgetting something when I get ready for bed or pack to go somewhere. Anyway, so as long as I can see to drive and I can in fact read the road signs for exits off the highway even before I get lost, I think I will be okay. I am working on the getting lost thing, I got a navigator I call Doloris (the direction giver) on my phone, so see I am doing just great!

For those of you with glasses or contacts, not knocking them, I know your pain and I apparently lost my tolerance for it and saw an opportunity. If it makes you feel better I still had like 3 boxes of contacts and I had spent a lot on my last pair of glasses when I got LASIK. I also had some really unattractive pairs of glasses over the years, painful memories...captured forever in photos and film. So, you perfect vision people...have a your vision challenged family and friends and tell them..."I wish I could look that good in glasses" or some other vision related compliment and mean it! It really is nice to hear!

1 comment:

  1. Uh totally understand your thoughts!!! I can't get LASIK yet b/c my vision hasn't stablized!!! That's right every time I go it gets worse. I can't even read the BIG HUGE E on the screen when you go to the Dr. It's sad... Did Lexi or I ever tell you that Atlee was sleeping with me and she fell out of bed and I jumped up and picked her up and put her in bed and when I picked her up she screamed even LOUDER... that's b/c I picked her up upsidedown!!!!!! And she HATES being upsidedown. So it's really sad when you can't tell which ways up on your own kid w/o your glasses or contacts.
