I love cabins. I do, I always have a good time when I stay in one, so I decided to visit my love for a little mini vacation before the holidays. I figured I needed a break. Not just a break from work but just from everything. Don't judge, single life can be hard when you are constantly reminded of your said status and those who are determined to "fix" it. So I booked a cabin in Oklahoma and picked one that I liked based on the cute porch and the garden tub. I figured who could ask for anything more? I booked the cabin with all intents and purposes to go and stay by myself. This seemed like a fabulous idea...at the time. Well I found out it wasn't the best time to take off from work, payroll was due among many other things as usual. However, I NEED A VACATION!! I stood my ground and make the reservations and started planning ahead. I then realized my first mistake...I was going to be gone when "New Moon" was going to be released! What was I thinking? So I started searching for local theaters near where I would be...found one, problem solved! Then I started thinking, maybe I shouldn't go see it by myself, I really like to watch movies with people to see their reactions too. So, I invited my friend Misty to join me at the cabin and to go see the movie...so glad I did!
I left out on Wednesday much later than I intended (second mistake), oh well just as long as I get there before dark right? Well, I left not remembering how it gets dark so early. I also realized in all my "planning", I did not get maps and specific directions other than the e-mails from a lady at the cabin rental office. Not too worry I have GPS on my phone...so I thought. It wouldn't work! So I very quickly, in route to my destination downloaded a GPS app to take me there. It worked fairly well but apparently took me in a roundabout way.
So I get on the main drag from where I will be turning off to get to my cabin, it's getting darker and darker and I am getting farther and farther out from civilization. Now granted I was in Oklahoma where some might say there is no civilization, but it is where I have some family and is where my family has reunions so watch it. Granted that is usually the only times that I see them, still. So I am driving for a while and I thinking, crap I passed it. So I head back to "civilization" and I do something I rarely ever do...I asked for directions. I know that that is usually a typical thing for some women, but things are backwards in my family. The men ask for directions and the men like to shop and the women don't ask for directions and usually shop with a purpose. So I ask for directions and they are soooooo backwoods it's ridiculous. They pass my "directions" around and keep muttering back and forth all the while blowing smoke, literal smoke in my face. Well I get back on the road after their "guidance" and I drive for a bit and don't see what they are talking about. I do it again, I stop at another place and ask for directions. These women were a little more helpful, but they also decided to add things like..."good luck with cell service" and "make all your calls now". Uh thanks so much. I had been getting service in and out but I was still able to get many worried calls and calls to check on me from my parents and friends.
I head out on the main drag again...I drive....drive....still driving and start thinking...I am in a horror flick or to make it a little better possibly Forks, Washington. So it is pitch black and I finally see my road marker "Crawpuppies" or to be more accurate from what the sign actually says "Crawpups" or some jumbled version of that. I turn down this road and I start winding down some gravel roads and there are of course, no lights. I do this for a bit and while trying to not cry keep going back to "Crawpuppies" to get my bearings. I do this at least 3 times. I finally call the cabin office thinking that they will probably not answer, it's too late...of course this is because I start believing that it is like midnight cause of the darkness and then look to the clock in the car and see it is in fact only 6pm! So I call the cabin office...ring...ring...ring...thank the Lord someone answers!!! It's the lady I have been e-mailing! This sweet, sweet lady talks me through it and guides me from "Crawpuppies"...she says "There are 2 gravel roads to your right (I am thinking, there are? I never saw them in the 10 times I went down this road) you need to turn right at the 2nd road, you will see our sign there." Okay, okay, is that? yes, I believe it is...a break in the tall, tall grass....oh it's a gravel road! One down!! Okay, okay where's road number two?? Ah ha! Another break in the tall, tall grass and what's that peaking over it...oh yes, it's a tiny, miniature, not lit up at all sign! I did not see that before! She stays on the phone with me and guides me all the way to my cabin!! I was so excited to see it that when I went up the stairs to the porch I tripped a few times, hope she couldn't hear it. Sweet cinnamon pumpkin! I made it!! Only 6:30...now what? I realize that I obviously have cell service, so I check in with the necessary people and decide that I am not going anywhere.
What to do for dinner...snacks, as I said not going anywhere. My Dad insisted I get the multi-tool (with knife)from the truck (I borrowed the truck, since I am still in rental car status and going out of state), got it and the wicked awesome multi-purpose flashlight (complete with lantern setting, torch setting, siren setting, and radio). So I settle in with my stuff and my snacks in front of the TV downstairs.
Scratch, scratch...creeeekkkk. What...was...that??? Oh crap...I am the damsel in distress in a twisted horror flick. This place is filled with windows I cannot see out of cause it is so stinkin dark!! I get my multi-tool, knife ready and check all locks...oh did I mention the windows?...did I mention that they have no curtains!!???...only tiny valances, I am sure it really completes "the look". Well I can't tell if anything is actually outside...so I do the next best thing. I start moving what furniture and such I can in front of the front and back doors. I also turn on random lights throughout. I watch TV for a while and then decide that I really didn't get to talk to my mom much earlier...gonna call her...again. Don't judge me. I am all ready for bed so I talk to her while I decide what lights to leave on and to leave the TV on. I go upstairs, which is a loft, so I can still stare into darkness. I keep her talking long enough to get into bed. "Bye, love you Mom"...with a silent "I'll always love you, tell Dad I love him too." So I lay down with a book, my flashlight, and my multi-tool knife...then I hear scampering on the roof. It's a squirrel, it's a squirrel, right??? Yeah, sure it is. I decide then also with my recent "luck" to check on the truck. I press the lock button and I see the lights flash and hear the beep...good still there. Okay, I put the book away and allow the host of whatever late night show talk me to sleep. Sleep...4 am...what was that?...why am I awake?...great, gotta pee. Gotta go downstairs to do that...woke me up a bit. Sleep...man is it bright in here...alright I'm up.
Misty showed up the next night...yea!! So happy to see her!! We are getting ready to go see the midnight showing of "New Moon" at the local theater. Well I noticed we had a problem with hornets or yellow jackets, not sure what they were. I had killed 2 already. I am chillin on the couch in my jeans, sweater and cute new converse and see one "land" on the floor. I was reading my book and I decided it's as good as anything to kill it. Well I rear back and getting ready to hit it and SMACK! RIP! Rip, yes I said, rip. I simultaneously killed the bug with my book and...ripped my pants. I say rip, but it's more like my butt exploded out of my pants! LOL!! I was like, seriously?? I had no warning, my pants always sag in the butt, I had been wearing them all day, lounging around and all it took was me bending over?! I stood up quickly and gasped. Misty said, "did you get it?" "Uh, oh yeah I got the bug...but I just totally ripped my pants." I then proceeded to back up slowly to the staircase to change. Well, I guess it's better it happened before we went to dinner and the movie. (Oh, dinner was at a place called Papa Pablano's, pretty good, very colorful)
"New Moon", I am surrounded by children in their letter jackets...I am too old for this...maybe. They are sooo backwoods and hickish, it's a show in itself. They keep periodically trying to start the wave in this line we are in, which is a line for ticket holders! Apprently we are not "true Twilight fans" since we won't participate in the wave. Shut up children...haha....well I liked the movie and it was interesting to see it with all of them and I got annoyed a few times, but it was an adventure.
The rest of the trip was relaxing and fun to just do whatever and be in such beautiful scenery. Oh and I slept sooo much better knowing Misty was downstairs. We hit another local restaurant Friday called Roma. It was pretty good too. We went to 2 Walmarts, a cute local coffee shop, and another local BBQ place called MR Pigg. I know, I know...it is however M.R. Pigg not Mr. Pigg, it just didn't specify on the sign. All in all, it was a nice time away...even if I thought I was gonna die the first night...haha.